Driving Success Through STRATEGIC EVOLUTION
About Us
Like it or not, the practice of law has changed. Business legal spending is down 25 percent over the last 10 years when adjusted for inflation, and seasoned legal practitioners now compete with off-the-shelf legal products. The time is now for law practices to Evolve.
Traditional law firm business models no longer guarantee success. EvolveLaw’s unique process aids clients’ critical thinking to enhance unique value propositions and transform business models. Deep understanding of innovation in the changing legal services marketplace guides EvolveLaw’s approach and spurs law firms on to transformational change and improved performance.
Click here to read more about EvolveLaw.
EvolveLaw’s services run the gamut of what’s necessary to create and implement law firm strategy. We help develop strategy, and help firms carry their strategic goals into all firm systems, including:
- Governance: how do we make decisions?
- Compensation: do we incentivize our talent to further our strategic goals?
- Talent management and hiring: are we developing and hiring talent to meet client demands?
- Succession planning: do we have a path to sustainability?
- Finance: are we tracking the right metrics?
- Client relations: do our client relationships and outreach and our public presence further our goals?
- Data/IT: are we measuring our success and using data to make our services efficient?
For a description of some of EvolveLaw’s services, click HERE[RJ1] [AO2] .
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Case Studies
Case study: Mid Size Firm Combination
The challenge: ● Find and execute on optimal growth strategies ● Help
Case study: 15 lawyer firm sets strategy but hesitates ..
EvolveLaw worked with a 15 lawyer Denver firm to set and execute
Case Study: 75-lawyer firm sets strategy and merges with an equal
Roxanne Jensen, Founder and Managing Director of EvolveLaw, worked as a consultant
Key Performance Indicators for Law Firm Growth
Due diligence is a critical step in finding the right match for
The Impact of Culture on Law Firm Growth Through Mergers
When law firm leaders ask for recommendations on how to grow their
Unlocking Your Firm’s Growth: Know Your Culture
More and more of my meetings with managing partners start like this:
What Do You Mean By Firm Culture and Why Does It Matter?
Every month or so there is an article or BLOG about law
The power of industry focus
Clients have been overwhelmed with law firm advice on Covid-19. As early
The importance of critical thinking and conversation
William Henderson — Professor at Indiana Maurer School of Law and Chief
Is There a Better Exit Strategy Than Death?
EvolveLaw Founder Roxanne Jensen was interviewed for The Colorado Lawyer October 2014
Colorado Law Alumni Awards Banquet
In March, 2015, EvolveLaw Founder Roxanne Jensen received The Dean’s Choice